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MOOL NAKSHATRA SHANTI POOJAMool Nakshatra Shanti Puja impacts in the individual's life and gets foreboding o

MOOL NAKSHATRA SHANTI POOJA Mool Nakshatra Shanti Puja impacts in the individual's life and gets foreboding one's life. The foreboding consequences of these nakshatras can be quieted down through Mool Shanti Puja. Mool Nakshatra Shanti Puja is performed by Panditji beginning with Gauri Ganesha puja then all the nakshatras are adored and uncommon puja is performed for the mool nakshatra, 27 leaves of various trees and water is utilized in this puja with this water Panditji performs Abhishek to the child and guardians , a little havan is likewise performed for the nakshatra to dispose of the apparent multitude of terrible impacts. It is prescribed to take care of brahmins or give grains to the brahmins. This puja is performed on the 27th day after the infant is conceived. that is on the nakshatra of the child. Advantages Playing out this Shanti disposes of the issues looked in adolescence. Disposes of the Health and Wealth issues looked by guardians. Conveys steadiness in Health, Career, Marriage.

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